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What are the Driving Fines in NZ?

19 January, 2022

What are the driving fines in NZ for speeding? Speeding penalties increase gradually based on how fast you are going. Your fine could approximately be $30 if your speed is less than 10 km/h over the speed limit, up to a penalty of $630 if your speed goes up to 50km/h over the speed limit. You may also get your licence suspended if your speed is more than 40 km/h above the speed limit. If your speed was more than 50 km/h over the speed limit, you might acquire reckless driving charges. The amount of your violation penalty solely depends on how far over the speed limit you were driving. Fines could also worsen when alcohol is involved. Make sure you are under the alcohol driving limit with a BACtrack personal breathalyser to help reduce possible fines.

These are the possible driving fines in NZ:

  • 10km/h or less will incur a $30 fine
  • 11-15km/h – will incur an $80 fine
  • 16-20km/h – will incur a $120 fine
  • 21-25km/h – will incur a $170 fine
  • 26-30km/h – will incur a $230 fine
  • 31-35km/h – will incur a $300 fine
  • 36-50km/h – will incur a fine between $400 to $630

Driving Fines NZ: Demerit points

If you have incurred driving fines in NZ, you should know that certain driving offences also incur demerit points. Accumulating 100 demerit points within two years could get your licence suspended for at least three months. You can accumulate demerit points with speeding violations, traffic offences, and breaking licence conditions. Demerit points also apply to some drink-driving related violations and penalties. You could acquire more demerit points when speeding and have a high blood alcohol content (BAC). If you want to avoid getting fined for drink driving violations, having a BACtrack breathalyser could be helpful. BACtrack alcohol breath testers can be handy as you can access quick and easy breath testing. You determine your BAC level and see if you are legally fit to drive with a personal breathalyser. BACtrack personal breathalysers only take 10 to 15 seconds to process your BAC results.

You can also acquire driving fines in NZ when driving with a BAC of 0.05% or more. Driving after alcohol consumption can also be a severe offence. You could get at least 50 demerit points for the following violations:

  • Denying or rejecting to wait or stay to conduct an alcohol breath test.
  • Individuals under 20 trying to drive with BAC levels over the legal limit.
  • Trying to operate a vehicle with BAC levels over the legal limit. The legal limit is 0.05% for regular drivers and zero for those under 20 years old.
  • Denying or rejecting to wait for the result of an alcohol breath test.
  • Refusing to stop on request or signal of a law enforcer
  • Trying to drive when prohibited by a law enforcer
  • If the driver holds an interlock licence or violates the specified BAC level.

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