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Here are the Reasons for an Alcohol Screening Test for Employment

22 April, 2022

Alcohol screening test for employment is becoming more common as more companies want to minimise hazards. Alcohol misuse and impairments at work can negatively impact workplace safety and productivity. An impaired employee has decreased abilities to perform tasks. Impairment leads to poor concentration, errors in judgment, and aggressive behaviour. As a result, it strains relationships with co-workers and causes poor work quality. Likewise, alcohol impairment is one of the leading factors of workplace accidents. Additionally, companies can endure significant losses if the workplace remains unmonitored for a long time. An alcohol screening test through a workplace policy can help employers manage safety risks. 

Safety in high-risk sectors leaves no room for compromise. Ensuring the well-being of employees is vital in protecting the workplace and community from the adverse effects of alcohol use. Therefore, monitoring the employees’ alcohol levels is crucial to managing safety risks and maintaining optimum performance. An alcohol screening test for employment involves taking a biological sample to determine alcohol use or exposure. Monitoring the workplace is possible through workplace breathalysers. The workplace alcohol testers from Breathalysers New Zealand can provide accurate and reliable alcohol test results. 

Reasons for Alcohol Screening Test

Alcohol misuse is associated with adverse long-term health risks and safety hazards. Companies with long-standing issues against impairment can benefit from an alcohol screening test for employment. Employers can facilitate alcohol testing depending on their particular needs. A comprehensive policy enables employers to monitor alcohol impairment to help manage safety risks. The main reasons for an alcohol screening are:

  • Compliance with state or federal laws – Under the Healthy and Safety Work Act, employers must manage all preventable hazards possible. Alcohol screening is a practical measure to ensure workplace safety. 
  • Reduce accidents, harm, or injuries – Alcohol impairment increases the risks of accidents or casualties. An impaired employee can put everyone in danger. Therefore, proactive safety management can prevent accidents. 
  • Improve productivity – Employees perform optimally under better conditions. Moreover, an alcohol screening test for employment lessens absenteeism and turnover, resulting in higher output. 
  • Lower costs – Companies incur high expenses due to accidents. Reduced accidents lower expenses from healthcare, compensation, and training for new employees. 
  • Deter alcohol use – Employees make better drinking decisions if they see that the workplace prioritises their safety. Consistent alcohol screening also promotes healthier practices. 


Alcohol Screening Test for Employment: Procedures

Companies can administer an alcohol screening test for employment through a workplace policy. The law requires companies to follow strict guidelines to carrying out workplace testing. Additionally, an alcohol program helps mitigate risks and legal liabilities. For example, most workplaces impose a zero-alcohol tolerance policy to minimise alcohol-related harm. Under this policy, employees must not have any alcohol content. This is because any amount of alcohol in the blood is considered a risk factor for accidents. Therefore, they should practice responsible alcohol behaviour in and outside work. Alcohol screening includes detecting alcohol presence and measuring the employees’ Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) levels. Companies prefer breath tests because they are quick. Devices like the workplace breathalysers from Breathalysers New Zealand can determine the precise BAC level within 10 to 15 seconds. 

Companies can perform an alcohol screening test for employment by seeking consent from employees first. Signed documentation through a consent form is essential so employees know their obligations and rights. The workplace policy also outlines when tests are appropriate and the methods used. The standard procedure for alcohol screening is a breath test. First, employees give a breath sample by blowing into a breathalyser mouthpiece. Then, the device analyses the sample breath and delivers the BAC result. If alcohol is present, the breathalyser’s screen will display the actual BAC. Consequently, companies perform a confirmation test through a blood sample to validate the results. Depending on the company policy, the employee may face disciplinary action. 

Alcohol Screening Test for Employment: Why Use a Breathalyser

Several methods are available to facilitate an alcohol screening test for employment. The common procedures are breath, urine, saliva, and blood test. The urine, saliva, and blood tests can detect alcohol and drugs in the system. Workplaces use them for drug screening rather than alcohol. The company may use also drug test kits or a laboratory examination through a testing agency. On the other hand, a breathalyser test enables companies to monitor alcohol levels immediately. Moreover, employers prefer to use a breathalyser for the following reasons:

  • Fast results – Breathalysers provide the quickest results in 10 to 15 seconds.
  • Easy to use – Operating the device is simple and easy. The BACtrack breathalysers have a one-button system allowing you to take a breath test right away. Simply press the On button and wait for the signal to blow. 
  • Dependable – Workplace breathalysers utilise fuel cell sensors to measure the BAC accurately. Fuel cell breathalysers can trace the precise alcohol level up to 0.40% BAC. Furthermore, fuel cell sensors are highly specific to ethanol. They do not react with other substances like acetone, making them less likely to produce false positives. 
  • Cost-efficient – Breathalysers enable employers to conduct alcohol screening repeatedly. The sensors can manage over a thousand BAC tests before recalibration. Additionally, attaching a mouthpiece ensures a hygienic procedure and more accurate results.
  • Portable – Breathalysers are handheld devices that let you conduct alcohol screening tests anywhere. 


When to Conduct Alcohol Screening

Accidents can happen when you least expect them. Employers face the challenge of maintaining a hazard-free environment everyday. Alcohol screening test for employment is an effective strategy to counter the negative consequences of alcohol use. Companies can execute alcohol screening during pre-employment, post-incident, random monitoring, and for-cause testing. Employers include alcohol screening in hiring to determine if the job applicant has risky alcohol behaviour. Individuals who abuse alcohol can potentially harm themselves and others in the workplace. Meanwhile, a random alcohol test is essential to monitor impairment. It also helps identify employees who may be struggling with an alcohol use disorder. Moreover, a post-incident test determines if alcohol led to the accident. Lastly, employers conduct for-cause testing on employees showing obvious signs of impairment. 

Employment Safety at Breathalysers New Zealand

Cultivating a safe culture is essential to maintaining a healthy environment. Alcohol impairment affects many people across all industries. Therefore, a robust monitoring system is necessary to manage safety risks. Workplaces can effectively reduce accidents through an alcohol screening test for employment. Moreover, reliable devices from Breathalysers New Zealand can help companies monitor workplace sobriety. The BACtrack workplace breathalysers have FDA and DOT certification, meeting the standards for an effective breath screening device. The BACtrack fuel cell breathalysers have pro-grade accuracy. It is the same technology police officers use in roadside screening. Finally, consistent alcohol can also tests improve productivity and boost employee morale. You can check the various workplace alcohol testers available at Breathalysers New Zealand, to find one that fits your needs. 

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