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Where to Get an Alcohol Limit Calculator in NZ

01 March, 2022

Alcohol contributes to 30% of fatal crashes in New Zealand annually. New Zealand has a legal limit of 0.05% Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) for adults (20 years old & older) and zero for those under 20 years old. The alcohol limits in NZ aim to reduce road accidents and injuries. The BAC is the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood. It is the standard unit of measure to determine your intoxication or impairment level. The more you consume alcohol, the higher your BAC gets. Therefore, knowing your BAC is essential in moderating your alcohol intake. You can use an alcohol limit calculator in NZ to determine your BAC level.

About the Blood Alcohol Driving Limit in NZ

Drink driving is a severe criminal offence in New Zealand. Nonetheless, it is one of the most violated laws. Every time you consume alcohol, there are substantial differences between the state of sobriety and drunkenness. Alcohol is a depressant that alters the mood, behaviour, and cognitive functions of a person. An increase in risky demeanour is one of the known effects of alcohol intoxication. Hence, in spite of safety campaigns for the usage of an alcohol limit calculator in NZ, many people still drive under the influence of alcohol. As a result, law enforcers arrest hundreds of alcohol-intoxicated drivers daily. Every time we consume alcohol, it affects our perception and motor functions. Notably, even a single drink can:

  • Impair the ability to drive
  • Increase the risk of accidents or fatalities
  • Cause you to attain a criminal record
  • Lose your license (for 6 months)
  • Cause hefty fines
  • Get your car impounded
  • Possibly get you imprisoned

These can lead an individual to unemployment, peer-related humiliation/ guilt, and have a negative relationship with family or friends. Therefore, checking your BAC using an alcohol limit calculator in NZ before getting behind the wheel is an excellent way to prevent yourself or others from getting into an accident.


Factors that affect a Standard Alcohol Limit Calculator in NZ

Many factors can influence blood alcohol concentration aside from the standard drink you consume. Individual characteristics can contribute to your BAC. These include:

  • Weight
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Body fat content
  • Metabolism rate 

However, calculating your BAC without a suitable device can be tricky and inaccurate. Where can you get an alcohol limit calculator in NZ that you can rely on? Fortunately, many devices nowadays can conveniently and accurately measure your BAC. Breathalysers New Zealand has BACtrack breathalysers for sale to provide reliable alcohol breath tests effectively. BACtrack is the leading authority in breathalysers technology. Moreover, it utilises the most advanced fuel cell sensors to precisely calculate the amount of alcohol in the breath. Furthermore, these fuel cell sensors are the same sensors you will find in a police breathalyser as used by law enforcement. 

One must be attentive to the alcohol one consumes. A single standard drink per hour can increase your BAC level by 0.02%. Thus, if you consume alcohol rapidly, your BAC level will also increase dramatically. In contrast, the body can metabolise alcohol at a constant rate of 0.016% BAC per hour.

BACtrack Breathalysers at Breathalysers New Zealand

One should also consider the kind of alcohol limit calculator in NZ available. For example, Breathalysers New Zealand has BACtrack personal breathalysers that come with different types of shapes, features, and options that can suit a variety of personal preferences. The BACtrack keychain breathalysers come in a small and compact build, tiny enough as a key chain. It reduces the device’s probability of being left behind, especially by people who are constantly in a rush. Always having a breathalyser is beneficial, especially to those who occasionally make last-minute plans to go out drinking. The BACtrack smartphone breathalysers can connect wirelessly to IOS, Android, and Google phones via Bluetooth, allowing more detailed information within the app. Information like when and how long until one’s BAC would return to 0.00%.

Breathalysers New Zealand has a wide selection of BACtrack personal breathalysers you can use as your alcohol limit calculator in NZ. For example, the BACtrack Mobile Pro breathalyser is an award-winning device for mobile use as it allows you to make accurate drinking estimates for better judgement calls. Additionally, the BACtrack C6 keychain breathalyser is the world’s smallest police-grade breath testing device. Moreover, it has a dual-mode functionality that lets you choose between two modes. Firstly, the standalone mode directly displays your BAC results on the OLED screen of the device—secondly, the app mode which will automatically connect to your smartphone device via Bluetooth. Furthermore, you can even call an Uber directly from the app itself.


Using a BACtrack Alcohol Limit Calculator in NZ

How can you use an alcohol limit calculator in NZ? When using a BACtrack personal breathalyser, provide a sturdy blow sufficiently into its mouthpiece. The device’s sensors would then oxidise the alcohol in the breath to calculate the BAC. These tests are quick. It only takes BACtrack personal breathalysers 10 to 15 seconds to process your BAC results. To improve accuracy, wait for at least 15 minutes from the last consumption before testing your BAC. On the other hand, other devices, like BACtrack smartphone breathalysers such as the BACtrack Mobile Pro, have ZeroLine technology. This technology can estimate when your sobriety will return. It conveniently calculates when and how long would it take for your BAC level to return to 0.00%. Furthermore, you can set your BACtrack personal breathalyser to the blood alcohol limit in NZ. You will hear an audible warning sound once you reach the pre-set limit. 

Checking your BAC using alcohol limit calculator in NZ can significantly help improve your safety and the safety of others around you. You can use BACtrack personal breathalysers, available at Breathalysers New Zealand, to help you achieve a balance of moderate alcohol consumption and driving safely.


The best way to avoid drink driving charges is to know the legal limits in your state or country. In general, the alcohol driving limit in NZ for adults (20 years old and over) is 0.05% BAC. A 0.05% BAC equals 50mg of alcohol for every 100ml of blood. As for those under 20 years old, your alcohol limit is 0.00%. Any measurable amount of alcohol level in your blood can subject you to hefty fines and demerit points. Using an alcohol limit calculator in NZ is ideal for avoiding road hazards and trouble with the law. 

Breathalysers New Zealand has the best alcohol limit calculator in NZ. Moreover, the BACtrack personal breathalysers use the most advanced sensor technology to provide the highest precision. They are suitable devices for either personal or workplace use. With a reliable breathalyser, you can remain at a safe alcohol level, avoid road hazards and potentially severe drink driving charges.

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