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Where to Get an Alcohol Breath Test Kit

12 November, 2021

Planning before consuming alcohol means that you got all your essentials ready. Have your home and car keys in check, a fully-charged cell phone, and your alcohol breath test kit or breathalyser ready. Carrying an alcohol breath tester is as essential as having a cell phone these days, considering the kind of penalties you could get from DUI.

Why is a breath test kit essential? If you are planning on consuming alcohol and driving after, a breath test kit can help you monitor your alcohol level to help you limit how much you drink. Relying on “standard” drinks or a set number of glasses you can have is not enough; moreover, it is also not accurate. “Standard” drinks have different effects on different people. Alcohol intoxication differs based on weight, gender, and body fat, among others. Some people still feel fine after a few rounds of beer, while some already feel lightweight in one glass. It is best to accurately measure your alcohol levels with personal devices like BACtrack breathalysers.

Checking your breath alcohol concentration (BAC) is recommended before driving. Each state or country has set a legal limit for alcohol and driving (0.05% in New Zealand). If you test for more than the allowed limit, you could acquire corresponding penalties or have the police arrest you, so better perform a self breath test first. A breath test kit or a breathalyser could come in handy for identifying your BAC. It would be safer not to attempt to drive if your BAC is too high. Either go with a sober friend or take a taxi instead.

Breath test kits and Breathalysers: Buying Online

A breath test kit like the BACtrack personal breathalyser can easily be bought in drugstores or ordered online. If you like to consume alcohol from time to time, you should invest in a BACtrack breathalyser. These devices could help improve your safety and prevent any unwanted run-ins with the law when used constantly. A breathalyser is a portable device about the size of a smartphone that can measure one’s BAC by blowing into the machine. The exhaled breath undergoes an oxidation process that calculates the amount of alcohol in one’s breath or blood. A breathalyser is easy to use and carry around.

BACtrack has both personal and professional breathalysers available. Choose between MicroCheck semi-conductor or Xtend fuel cell breathalysers for reliable and accurate BAC results. The BACtrack team always works triple-time to have the best and most efficient breathalysers, which are more effective and precise than any other breath test kit.

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