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Breathalyser Sales and Service Guide – Recalibration

16 November, 2021

A breathalyser monitors the breath alcohol content (BAC) of an individual. An alcohol breath test checks the amount of alcohol present in a person’s system and determines their functionality level based on their BAC level. BAC is primarily monitored on drivers and workers to prevent alcohol-induced accidents on the road or in the workplace. The person to be tested blows into the sterile tube of the breathalyser; it then calculates the amount of alcohol within their exhaled breath into a corresponding BAC. Personal and even professional breathalysers needs occasional recalibration to provide accurate BAC results. There are specially trained individuals needed to calibrate a breathalyser. You can know when to request one by reading the breathalyser sales and service guide.  

No matter what breathalyser device you choose, there will always come a time when you’ll need to recalibrate it. Even very accurate and high-quality devices, like the professional-grade BACtrack breathalyser, need recalibration. It is mainly because of the sensor accuracy that drifts over time and the alcohol build-up within the device; this alone can easily affect the accuracy of one’s device and may provide unreliable results. One significant sign for recalibration that one can look out for is when the device noticeably has longer warm-up times. Even BACtrack devices with fuel cell sensors similar to police breathalysers will start to experience inconsistencies when performing consecutive readings. It is another telltale sign that the device needs a breathalyser sales and service recalibration.  

Breathalyser Sales and Service Guidelines

Keeping track of the time remains one of the most effective ways of knowing when a device needs recalibrating. Personal use breathalysers, for example, need to be calibrated at least every 12 months. Workplace breathalysers that more people often use need recalibration every 6 -9 months. It also means that users should factor in the frequency of usage of their devices to help them decide when it’s time for a breathalyser sales and service recalibration. Users who drink more have a higher alcohol concentration build-up in their units and should consider checking their products more often. It is also important to note that breathalysers, like BACtrack breathalysers, with fuel cell sensor technology don’t have calibration requirements as often as semi-conductor sensors.  

Despite needing to follow a breathalyser sales and service guide closely, the advantages one would have when owning a personal breathalyser make up for the effort required to recalibrate the device. An accurate police-grade device like a BACtrack breathalyser can help ensure the safety of its user and prevent DUI charges. 


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