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Breathalyzer Monitoring Using BACtrack at Breathalysers NZ

15 April, 2022

Workplace alcohol testing is a procedure that can drastically help maintain and improve workplace safety and productivity. In most cases, alcohol consumption can cause euphoric and relaxed sensations. However, excessive consumption can cause several impairments. These impairments can range from impaired senses, slow reactions times, difficulties with coordination, memory issues, and problems with judgement. To reduce the likelihood of employees working with these impairments, employers would typically provide frequent alcohol tests. Companies regularly perform breath alcohol tests to check for workplace sobriety. Employers use devices like a workplace breathalyzer to check for an employee’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). Checking an employee’s BAC can help determine current alcohol consumption and current intoxication level. Anything more than 0.00% BAC can translate to a positive alcohol test. Without a doubt, frequent breathalyzer monitoring in the workplace can help deter and prevent alcohol consumption during working hours.

Employers can perform breathalyzer monitoring through the workplace breathalyzers available at Breathalyzers New Zealand. Breathalyzer tests are accurate and reliable. Even police officers nowadays use breathalyzers to help them maintain road safety. Roadside sobriety tests include breath tests with a police breathalyzer to help detect potentially dangerous motorists. Alcohol-induced accidents on roads and workplaces can easily be prevented by singling out drivers and employees who recently consumed alcohol. Undoubtedly, alcohol-induced impairments can drastically affect an employee’s ability to work effectively and safely. Employees with these impairments can struggle when trying to operate vehicles or heavy machinery. Thus, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Breathalyzer Monitoring: Breath Testing Procedures

Breath tests are quick and easy to perform. Breath testing is the most common form of alcohol testing done worldwide. Breathalyzer monitoring is done through breath tests. The individual must provide a breath sample through a breathalyzer’s mouthpiece during a breath test. A firm 5 to 10-second blow is required for an adequate breath sample. A breathalyzer device would then store and analyse the sample with its sensors. The breathalyzer can estimate the amount of alcohol present in a breath sample by checking the Breath Alcohol Concentration (BrAC). Lastly, the breath testing device will convert the BrAC into a corresponding BAC level. BAC is the amount of alcohol per 100grams present in every 100ml of blood.

For alcohol tests, most companies would rather perform breathalyzer monitoring over other methods. Large companies with many employees prefer breath tests because of their speedy process. Moreover, companies could also cut costs with a certified workplace breathalyzer from Breathalyzers New Zealand. Employers would no longer need to hire testing services every time they need alcohol tests. Breath alcohol tests can be done independently with highly reliable devices. The devices from Breathalysers NZ can help provide constant on-site alcohol testing within the workplace. Safety-critical industries can significantly benefit from more frequent tests. Some industries may need regular alcohol tests to perform adequately and safely. Easy access to breath tests can help these industries perform better:

  • Mining
  • Construction
  • Transportation (taxi drivers, bus operators, and pilots)
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare


Breathalyzer Monitoring with the Devices from Breathalysers NZ

Breathalyzers NZ features a wide variety of workplace and personal breathalyzers. Furthermore, it is the leading and most reliable supplier of breath testing devices in New Zealand. Most of the breathalyzers available in Breathalysers NZ feature fuel cell sensors. These sensors ensure highly accurate and dependable breathalyzer monitoring. Moreover, these are also the same professional-grade sensors you can find in a police officer’s breathalyzer. These sensors are sensitive to ethyl alcohol only, reducing the likelihood of false-positive results. This feature can drastically help employers test employees with diabetes or on a low-calorie diet (might present with increased acetone in breath). Additionally, these sensors can also last long. Fuel cell sensors can perform up to a thousand tests before needing recalibration. This feature can ensure high accuracy even after plenty of workplace tests.

Aside from accuracy, there are also plenty of other benefits when performing breathalyzer monitoring with a breathalyzer from Breathalyzers NZ. Firstly, breath tests with these devices are quick. It only takes a workplace breathalyzer from Breathalysers NZ 10 to 15 seconds to process an employee’s BAC results. Secondly, these devices also have one-button operations. This feature allows the test taker to start the breath test with just a press of a button. Lastly, since these are easy-to-use devices, professional help is no longer needed. Employers can cut costs by using workplace breathalyzers instead of hiring certified testing services.

Breathalyzer Monitoring: Benefits of Breath Tests

In terms of alcohol testing, breath tests have plenty of advantages over other forms of testing. Breathalyzer monitoring is easier to perform compared to urine or blood tests. Having easier to perform testing procedures can allow companies to provide more frequent alcohol tests. Most urine and blood alcohol testing procedures may have more requirements than breath tests. These requirements can make these tests time consuming and costly. Some benefits of breath tests are:

  • Reliable: Despite being a quick and easy procedure that can be done on the go, breath tests are still highly accurate.
  • Uncomplicated testing process: In most cases, blood and urine tests require companies to ask for help from certified testing facilities. Blood and urine samples are delicate and would need an accredited sample collector to collect, transport, and store samples. Furthermore, in some cases, a certified testing laboratory may also be required, further increasing the costs.
  • Can provide exact results: Breathalyzers can exact BAC readings. Moreover, this can also help determine how much alcohol was consumed and how long ago it was. It is worth noting that small traces of BAC (like 0.01%) can indicate alcohol consumption one day before the test and not during working hours. These readings can help prove that the employee did not violate the workplace policy of consuming alcohol during work hours.


Other Tests Available

Other than breath tests through breathalyzer monitoring, employers can perform plenty of other tests during workplace testing. Companies would typically request urine tests when looking to test for drug usage. However, urine tests can also detect alcohol consumption. The only downfall of breath tests is that breathalyzers cannot test for drug usage. However, alcohol is more accessible when compared to drugs. Therefore, companies may need to perform alcohol tests more frequently than drug tests.


Breathalyzer monitoring through effective devices like the BACtrack workplace breathalyzers available on Breathalysers New Zealand can benefit any company. Without a doubt, more frequent workplace testing can help deter alcohol use during working hours. Moreover, workplace testing can allow for healthier practices before, during, and after work (on a weekday). Employees are less likely to show up to work with any form of alcohol-induced impairments. Furthermore, this can help reduce the likelihood of workplace accidents and injuries. Reducing workplace accidents and injuries can help companies cut certain annual costs. These tests can help reduce a company’s healthcare and accident compensation costs.

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