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Disposable Alcohol Breath Tester: Advantages and Disadvantages

18 September, 2023

A police officer conducting a road breath test on a woman

Police officers typically conduct roadside breath testing. They do it to see if drivers are sober or not. Sobriety is important in driving. Otherwise, they can endanger their lives and that of others. Since drinking is a common activity, drivers should use tools such as disposable alcohol breath testers. It is a non-invasive testing device that allows them to know if they are capable of driving. However, it is not always reliable, as it can produce false positives and negatives.

Roadside breath tests have been effective in lessening accidents. To make the statistics even lower, there should be fewer intoxicated drivers. Alcohol can impair judgment. Hence, they may feel fine, but they are not functional anymore. Personal testing devices are good aids to make informed decisions. For more information, the following section will present what a single-use tester is, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

What is a Disposable Alcohol Breath Tester?

A disposable alcohol breath tester is a handheld device. It can inform people if they are within the legal limit. Unlike electronic breathalysers, single-use units only consist of a tube, an inflatable bag, and chemicals. Thus, the tester will not be able to show the blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Despite the lack of advanced features, a one-time-use device is helpful.

Furthermore, a single-use breathalyser is affordable. It can range from around $3-$9. The device is suitable for people who do not drink alcohol that much. They only need to use it several times. On the other hand, constant drinkers need more disposable testers, which leads to more expenses on their part. Thus, it would be more practical for them to buy a traditional unit.

Nevertheless, light drinkers can still purchase a box of disposable breathalysers and find it beneficial. There are options for 50 or 100 pieces per box. The shelf life is commonly two years. Thus, it can also be cost-effective. They can store pieces in their cars, houses, and bags. It would be easy for them to access the units because of their portability.


Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  • Open the tester tube. There are two caps on each end, and both should be removed.
  • Use the tube within five minutes.
  • Shake it to expel the white crystals inside.
  • Inflate the bag fully by blowing into the bag. It should be in one long breath.
  • Put the end of the tube inside the white neck of the bag.
  • Press on the inflated bag for the breath to reach the chemicals in the tube.
  • Wait for the result to show within two minutes.
  • They are within limit if the colour does not change or reach the red line.

A group of people having fun while each is holding a glass of beverage

Advantages of a Disposable Alcohol Breath Tester

The disposable alcohol breath testers have several advantages over other testing methods and breathalyser units. Firstly, they are non-invasive. The breath test only requires people to blow through the device. Meanwhile, other BAC testing types, such as blood and urine tests, are quite intrusive. The former is done by drawing blood with a needle, while the latter needs samples to be in a container without contact with other body parts.

Secondly, they can produce fast results. A single-use tester can provide the outcome of a test in less than two minutes. However, other methods can take up to several weeks. Aside from the speed of the results, the process itself is more rapid than others. A qualified collector should take blood samples, which means people need to travel. Likewise, they need to submit the urine sample to a laboratory. People can do one-use breath tests wherever.

Lastly, they are more affordable. The price of a disposable breathalyser is generally less than other testing methods and other breath testing units. It typically costs less than $5. Hence, they can get one easily.


Besides the advantages of a single-use tester, there are also more benefits. One of which is its convenience. The portability of a unit allows people to bring it anywhere they go. Moreover, they can take a test anytime they need it. It commonly comes in small packets. Hence, they can put it inside their bags without any issues as it is also lightweight.

Another beneficial factor of the device is people can enjoy their time more with family and friends. It creates a sense of security that they can be safe. All they need to do is take a breath test before driving.

A person holding a breathalyser on one hand a mobile phone on the other

Disadvantages of a Disposable Alcohol Breath Tester

There are also disadvantages to disposable alcohol breath testers. The materials are not as sturdy as the ones in traditional breath testers. Hence, it can produce both false positives and negatives. Other testing methods, even blood tests, known to be the most accurate, can produce inaccurate results. However, a single-use breathalyser is more susceptible to it.

False positive outcomes can be inconvenient, especially if someone does not consume alcohol. This is because a confirmatory test may be necessary. On the other hand, a false negative can lead to fatal road accidents. It is dangerous if the results show that someone is within legal limits even when they are not.

One more disadvantage of a one-time-use breathalyser is it is not technologically advanced. Australians should not go above 0.05 BAC. They cannot see their BAC levels using a disposable unit. Thus, it is more difficult to gauge how much longer they have to wait before they can drive, unlike other breathalysers.

How a Breathalyser Can Help

One purpose of breathalysers is for people to track their alcohol intake. However, they cannot do that with a single-use tester because of its limitations. Thus, they can go for a more suitable alternative. BACtrack breathalysers from Breathalysers New Zealand are some of the most reliable devices in the market.

Some units have Bluetooth connectivity, like the BACtrack C8 Smartphone. Hence, they can manage their alcohol consumption efficiently. They can check their history through the mobile application. The app also has an option to call an Uber if they cannot drive anymore. It enhances the safety of its users.


A disposable alcohol breath tester is both convenient and affordable. It can keep people safe from harm. They can do a test after a drinking session and before deciding to drive. It allows them to maintain their freedom. Moreover, the good thing about the test is it is non-invasive. Individuals only need to blow their breaths on a bag. In addition, they provide fast results. Unfortunately, it is not always reliable. Hence, there are factors to consider before buying.

Accuracy is a vital part of a breathalyser. There can be consequences otherwise. More trustworthy devices like an electronic breath tester are more appropriate for those who want security. They can have peace of mind when they use testers from brands like BACtrack. This is because their units are on par with what law enforcement uses for their random breath tests. They can visit Breathalysers New Zealand for more information.

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