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What is an Alcohol and Drug Detection Agency

06 January, 2022

The influence of drugs and alcohol in the body could impair the senses and perception necessary for performing tasks safely. Therefore, drug testing is critical, especially in high-risk workplaces such as mining, construction, and transportation. Workplace testing can help maintain employee safety and productivity. Additionally, some private employers also require alcohol and drug tests as part of the pre-employment process. It aims to determine the use of illicit substances among job applicants. Through well-written alcohol and drug policies, the workplace can protect the general welfare of everyone. To provide adequate tests, the employer would typically work with a certified drug detection agency to carry it out effectively.

Identifying the use of alcohol or drugs at work is vital to minimising safety hazards resulting in decreased productivity. Alcohol or drug use could also increase absenteeism and low employee morale. Consistent workplace testing through a drug detection agency would encourage healthier practices and deter substance abuse. An alcohol and drug detection agency is an independent unit that specialises in workplace drug testing, education, and prevention programs. Generally, they collect specimens such as blood, urine, or saliva to screen the presence of drugs. On the other hand, a breath test determines alcohol presence in the blood through a breathalyser. An example of an effective breathalyser is the BACtrack S80 Pro. BACtrack breathalysers are reliable breath testing devices with police-grade accuracy. These devices can also conveniently process the blood alcohol content (BAC) results within seconds (about 10 to 15 seconds).

Alcohol and Drug Detection Agency: Advantages

An alcohol and drug detection agency can help employers identify individuals that may endanger the workplace. The employer may request an on-site visit to administer a drug test. Agency follows strict procedures to implement the tests accurately and adequately. Firstly, there is a Chain of custody form to document the handling and storage of samples from collection to disposal. Then, an initial screening analyses the samples for positive or negative results. If the initial screen is positive, a secondary test in the laboratory will confirm the results. Next, a confirmation test will rule out false-positive results by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Furthermore, the initial and confirmation test must match for a test result to be positive.

Consistent workplace testing by a drug detection agency helps manage safety risks and reduces alcohol or drug-related incidents. Additionally, a comprehensive drug-free program outlines the options for employees with positive test results. Then, depending on the employer’s discretion, they can either go into treatment or probation. Lastly, a drug detection agency can help educate and treat affected employees. Regular alcohol or drug monitoring is necessary to prevent employees from relapsing. A home or workplace breathalyser helps monitor the BAC and alcohol consumption conveniently and more consistently. You can rely on BACtrack workplace breathalysers for accurate alcohol workplace breath tests. These breathalysers feature the same sensor technology that you could find in a police officer’s breathalyser.

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