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The Importance of a Pre Employment Breathalyzer Test

05 April, 2022

A workplace can suffer if an accident occurs and causes serious injuries to workers. Unfortunately, most workplace accidents happen because of alcohol use. Alcohol intoxication leads to severe impairments and poses high safety risks. That is why employers need to manage all preventable hazards to ensure the employees’ health, security, and welfare. Likewise, impairment leads to low productivity, increased absenteeism and turnover rates. Therefore, many organisations implement drug and alcohol tests to counter the negative effects of substance impairment. One of the strategies that employers use is conducting a pre employment breathalyzer test. Employers implement a pre employment test to avoid hiring employees with high-risk behaviours. 

Nowadays, employers also consider the applicant’s alcohol habits when assessing if they are the right fit for the job. This is because a person with an alcohol use disorder can compromise workplace safety. Safety-sensitive positions rely on alcohol tests to prevent untoward incidents on duty. Thus, many employers include a pre employment breathalyzer test as part of the hiring process. Additionally, alcohol-free organisations are more likely to achieve their goals. Therefore, an applicant’s alcohol behaviour can be as important as their credentials and skills. Employers can use the workplace breathalyzers from Breathalysers New Zealand during the pre employment process. The devices from Breathalysers New Zealand are cost-efficient breath testers capable of measuring Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). 

Breathalyzer Test for Pre Employment: How Does it Work?

A breath test is the most convenient and non-invasive method for alcohol screening. A pre employment breathalyzer test is easy and can be done within a minute. There is no need to prepare for the test except by giving your sample breath. However, ensure that you have zero blood alcohol to pass the test. The employer or testing agency will ask you to provide a firm blow into the breathalyzer to analyse alcohol content within the breath. A workplace breathalyzer from Breathalysers New Zealand utilises robust fuel cell sensors to estimate the BAC level accurately. Fuel cell sensors undergo an electrochemical process when it comes in contact with alcohol. Additionally, fuel cell breathalyzers are specific to ethanol and are not reactive with other endogenous substances. Thus, they are less likely to produce false-positives.


Blood Alcohol Content Factors

Alcohol is a widely consumed beverage worldwide. Moderate consumption is acceptable and creates mild pleasing effects. Likewise, many people feel relaxed or stimulated after a few drinks. However, excessive amounts can lead to severe impairments. Unfortunately, consuming alcohol before a pre employment breathalyzer test can ruin your chances of getting hired. Breathalyzers can detect alcohol in the system for 12 to 24 hours, depending on intake. Furthermore, the body absorbs alcohol rapidly and carries it to different organs through the blood. Within a few minutes, you can feel the effects right away. Therefore, it is essential to understand how your body responds to alcohol to know your limitations. The BAC increase depends on many individual factors. Knowing these factors can help you moderate your consumption and remain at a safe alcohol level. The factors that can affect your BAC are:

  • Age
  • Weight
  • Sex 
  • Body type
  • Fat content
  • Food and water intake
  • Medications
  • Metabolism rate

Significance of Pre Employment Breathalyzer Test

A pre employment breathalyzer test will screen and measure how much alcohol is in the blood. The higher the BAC, the greater the intoxication. Moreover, regularly monitoring the employees’ BAC level helps keep a safe working environment. The early detection of a high-level BAC reduces the risks for casualties and injuries. Pre employment testing is not mandatory for all sectors or private companies. However, the employer may implement alcohol tests as part of health and safety risk management policies. Specifically, regulated industries like mining, construction, and transportation have zero tolerance for alcohol. Jobs involving heavy machinery operations rely on the worker’s mental and physical alertness to perform tasks safely. Substance-induced impairments may harm not just the employee but also their colleagues and the public. As such, employees must have a zero BAC at all times. 

Passing a Pre Employment Breathalyzer Test

A successful application depends on the passing of a pre employment breathalyzer test. You must have a 0.00% BAC if you are applying in high-risk industries or workplaces with a zero-alcohol tolerance. Refusal to participate or agree to an alcohol test may disqualify you from the job position. On the other hand, after passing the test, the employer can present the employment terms. The employment agreement or policy often includes the conditions for administering an alcohol or breathalyzer test. The workplace policy should clearly define the conditions to avoid legal problems or complications. Moreover, the employer may also conduct alcohol screenings randomly, after an accident, after treatment, or if there is reasonable suspicion (evidence of usage). The workplace breathalyzers from Breathalysers are suitable devices to monitor sobriety at any time.


Workplace Alcohol Policy Guidelines

To be able to administer alcohol testing, the employer must have a comprehensive workplace policy. It is an essential program to uphold safety procedures. It must reflect the interests of the management and employees regarding health and safety. Additionally, the policy outlines the conditions for conducting alcohol screening in the workplace. For example, a pre employment breathalyzer test is a part of the safety strategies to keep the premises hazard-free. The policy should include the following important aspects:

  • Purpose and Objectives
  • Company Rules
  • Grounds for testing 
  • Identification of prohibited substances
  • Sampling or collection procedure
  • Consequences of positive or non-negative test results
  • Confidentiality 
  • Employee Assistance

The Importance of BACtrack in Employment

It is vital for employers to ensure safety in the workplace by managing all preventable risks. A pre employment breathalyzer test helps determine if the job applicants are responsible or would not cause reckless actions. Hiring people with risky behaviours may cause harm to themselves and affect others. Furthermore, consistent breath tests help deter alcohol use and promote healthier practices. Through an effective alcohol policy, an organisation can improve their output, minimise downtime, and boost employee morale. Breathalysers New Zealand offers the BACtrack’s fuel cell breathalyzers for workplace testing. The BACtrack professional testers like the S80 Pro and Mobile Pro have police-grade accuracy for the most precise BAC readings. It has the same sensor technology used by police officers in roadside screening. 

A BACtrack breathalyzer in a workplace means that employees’ safety is a priority. The company may facilitate an alcohol breath test to detect impairment and prevent casualties. In addition, an organisation should introduce a pre employment breathalyzer test to prospective employees as part of an overall safety program. It helps employees take reasonable steps to maintain personal safety. Likewise, a breathalyzer can help an individual or employer make informed decisions. Breathalysers New Zealand has many BACtrack devices suitable for personal or professional use. You can use a personal breathalyzer to monitor your BAC level and stay within the legal alcohol limit.

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