Test For Alcohol At Home: Overview
06 September, 2023
Misusing alcohol can lead to death. There are millions of deaths annually due to harmful intake of alcohol. Authorities and organisations want to avoid further damage. Hence, they develop strategies. One of which is to test for alcohol at home. It is a convenient and accessible way of checking, confirming, and monitoring alcohol levels. People can use handheld devices to test themselves or their loved ones for alcohol intoxication.
Alcohol tests are necessary to prevent unpleasant situations. There are many fatal crashes because of drink driving. If people are aware of their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC), they can make more informed decisions. Moreover, they will be able to reduce the risk of intoxicated driving incidents and charges. Additionally, parents can supervise their children through tests at home. The following sections will present what an alcohol test at home is, why people need it, and how to conduct the test.
What is A Test for Alcohol at Home?
A test for alcohol at home is a method of checking and monitoring the BAC. Commonly, alcohol and drug tests examine the blood, urine, saliva, or breath. The results will determine whether or not someone is abusing substances or not. When people consume alcohol, it stays in the body until the liver breaks it down. If they drink faster than their metabolism rate, their BAC increases.
Alcohol reaches its highest level in the blood around an hour after people drink. However, several factors may affect its identification. For instance, the absorption of alcohol can be slower when people have food in their stomachs. It also depends on one’s gender and weight. Certain medications can also further intoxicate them. Hence, they should be more careful when they drink and take antidepressants or sleeping medication.
Those who want to do an alcohol test at home can buy testing kits. There are units available for personal use, like the breathalysers from Breathalysers New Zealand. Moreover, most personal units are compact and lightweight, making them convenient and easy to use. They can administer the test properly as long as they follow the guidelines.
Types of Test
Some tests are more accurate and take more time when done in labs like hair and blood tests. On the other hand, here are some of the tests people can do at home:
- Urine Test – They can buy urine cups that are approved. People may also buy urine test strips for quick procedure and results.
- Saliva Test – It is a simple way of providing samples and does not require special instructions.
- Breath Test – Typically, the devices are handheld. A breathalyser is suitable for personal use as they can bring it anywhere. Furthermore, they are accurate so people can be assured when monitoring their BAC.
Why Is A Test for Alcohol at Home Necessary?
There can be several reasons why people want and need to do a test for alcohol at home. One of the most common is for parents to keep their children safe from drink driving incidents. Young people are susceptible to alcohol abuse. Many of them have experienced getting into car accidents because they failed to control their drinking. Hence, parents can initially use it to check if their children come home sober.
Moreover, if they are drinking inside their homes and want to go out, they can make sure that they are capable of driving when they have done a test. Adults do it as well when they drink. It keeps the community safe from drink driving accidents. Guardians and adults can monitor their alcohol level and their children’s with a breathalyser.
Aside from drink driving, monitoring their BAC with the use of alcohol tests can prevent issues at home. Alcohol is a top contributor to domestic violence and health issues. When people have the resources to monitor their consumption, there can be fewer problems within the family.
A benefit of alcohol testing at home is the safety it can provide. People who conduct alcohol tests can decide better if they can consume more alcohol, if they can go out, and if they need further help. If they see that their BAC is already high, they can stop drinking.
Furthermore, they will know if and when it is manageable to drive. Otherwise, they can select a designated drive. Also, as testing at home helps monitor BAC, it means that they will recognize if their patterns of drinking are already dangerous. This may help prevent alcohol dependence.
How to Conduct A Test for Alcohol at Home?
The first thing to do when people decide or are tasked to do a test for alcohol at home is to buy a reliable testing kit. They must check online and from other people if the kits they are planning to buy are accurate and pass the New Zealand standards. One example is the BACtrack breathalysers. They use fuel cell sensors that are being utilised in hospitals and testing facilities.
Afterwards, they need to check and follow the instructions in the kit. Even the slightest inconsistency may cause a false positive result. As for supervision, there should be one, even if it is done at home. This is especially true for teenagers who are suspected of alcohol abuse. Their parents or guardians must be present when they provide the sample to prevent cheating.
When the sample is given, they must then know how to read the results so that they can take appropriate measures. If a result reads positive, they must send it to a laboratory for confirmation.
One factor is that they cannot use a result from an alcohol test at home in court. Hence, if they need to take one for legal matters, it is best to do it in a professional setting like the hospital. They can avoid further inconvenience this way.
Moreover, the kits are time-sensitive. Thus, people who will take the test at home must do it without delay. Another thing to consider is the factors that may result in false positives. Drinking many coffee or caffeinated drinks can alter the results. Hence, if the matter is serious, they must understand what the other factors are.
Taking a test for alcohol at home is a way for people to check, validate, and monitor their BAC. When they control their BAC, they can prevent familial, societal, and legal issues. They can keep the community and everyone safe. The most accessible and easiest ways to conduct a test in the house are by urine, saliva, and breath tests. There are testing kits available in the market. They only need to find reliable ones.
Urine and saliva tests are for one-time use only. On the other hand, people can do a breath test with one device multiple times. They can buy their personal breathalysers from trusted and FDA-cleared brands like BACtrack from Breathalysers New Zealand. This way, they can ensure accurate results. Additionally, these kinds of breath testers are convenient to use. Some of the devices have Bluetooth connectivity so that people can track their records on their phones.