Ways to Avoid Drink Driving
11 August, 2021
Car accidents are the leading cause of death among individuals and are expected to continue to rise. Drinking alcohol hinders a driver’s ability to make critical decisions while driving. A driver’s ability to perform actions necessary to operate a car safely. Such as effective braking, steering and lane changes are impaired even after just one drink. Alcohol can also impair judgment, putting the driver in danger and making poor decisions on the road. If detected, a person who is caught drink driving might be prosecuted with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI).
Every year, thousands of individuals are fatally injured as a result of drink driving accidents. Furthermore, each year approximately 350,000 individuals are injured due to the impaired driving and over millions of car crashes. Alternative modes of transportation such as safe rides, subsidized taxis, ride-sharing services, paid designated drivers and more accessible public transportation can help minimize drink driving. But how will you know if you’re over the limit?
Avoid Drink Driving by use of BACtrack
We watch and read about drivers who are charged with drink driving subsequently involved in a road accident. A statement on the accident will typically state the driver’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) and the legal blood alcohol limit. Intoxicated drivers must be removed from the road for the sake of public safety. As a result, law enforcement officers employ professional-grade technology to detect alcohol levels in a suspected intoxicated driver. You have probably heard Breathalyzers – New Zealand and BACtrack, but you might be wondering how a person’s breath might indicate how much a person consumed alcohol.
Are you aware that law enforcement officers aren’t the only ones who can get breathalyzers? For your safety, you can purchase a personal breathalyzer. You won’t have to deal with law enforcement or doctors to determine whether or not you are fit to drive. BACtrack shows you your BAC in seconds by blowing into a mouthpiece and push of a button. Our breathalyzers are portable devices that you can put it in your pocket or handbag. Some of these devices can be connected through a smartphone app and Bluetooth. The concept is to examine your BAC after a night of drinking to see if you are safe to drive because, as we all know that drink driving is illegal.
BACtrack’s Personal Breathalysers
If you want to avoid drinking too much, a portable breathalyzer can assist. You can be assured you are drinking at a reasonable pace and prevent the risks of drink driving by frequently assessing yourself on the road. For drivers who want to avoid guessing whether or not they are sober and safe to drive, as well as prevent a lifetime of expenses and consequences of a DUI or worse, drunk driving accidents, a BACtrack breathalyser is for you. One of our connected devices, the BACtrack Mobile Pro costs only $169.97 – a small value to pay for peace of mind and safety. Your BAC findings are wirelessly communicated to the BACtrack app when you breathe into the device and can reveal your BAC level with the same precision as the law enforcement officers use. This device can also tell you how long it will take for your BAC to return to 0.00% using its Zeroline® unique feature. You can also receive an accurate and reliable BAC result by purchasing our BACtrack S80 breathalyzer. Law enforcement officers in some countries use this device as preliminary testing during DUI traffic stops to determine if someone is drink driving. Simply turn it on, breathe through the mouthpiece and you will have your BAC readings within seconds. Compared to the traditional semiconductor sensors, this device has a fuel cell sensor to give incomparable accuracy. You can view our website for all our other models that will suit your lifestyle and budget.
Get a BACtrack before drink driving to make sure your BAC is zero. Law enforcement officers and healthcare professionals have all benefited from BACtrack breathalyzer’s accuracy. Our consumers rely on us to provide the most convenient, inexpensive and accurate blood-alcohol testing available. There are a multitude of other portable breathalyzers on our market. Check them out now.