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Bartender Breath Tester vs BACtrack Breathalysers – A Comparison Guide

25 September, 2023

A breathalyser and a glass of beer on the table.

There are different factors to consider when comparing the Bartender breath tester and BACtrack breathalysers. The Bartender offers three levels of BAC measurement. The BACtrack has features such as a Flow Error Indicator and Auto Power Off. Additionally, the Bartender uses LED lights to indicate BAC levels, while the BACtrack has a timer and LCD screen. Both devices use a fuel cell sensor. However, BACtrack offers Xtend Fuel Cell Sensor Technology to lengthen sensor longevity and improve reliability.

Breathalysers offer numerous advantages for both personal and professional use. In personal settings, breathalysers enable individuals to make informed decisions about their ability to drive or operate machinery. In professional settings, breathalysers help employers maintain a safe work environment by identifying alcohol-impaired employees. People may consider the Bartender or BACtrack when looking for a breathalyser that meets their needs. This article will present a comparison between the Bartender and BACtrack breathalysers, including their accuracy, operation, convenience, and battery life.

Bartender Breath Tester vs BACtrack Breathalyser – Accuracy Of Sensors

The Bartender breath tester is a portable and reliable device designed to help individuals monitor their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level. This breathalyser utilises a highly accurate sensor type known as a fuel cell sensor. This sensor type offers precise and reliable readings by detecting the presence of alcohol molecules in one’s breath.

The BACtrack breathalyser also utilises a fuel cell sensor for precise BAC level measurement. Certain models have Xtend Fuel Cell Sensor Technology. This technology employs a linear response to gauge BAC across the full alcohol concentration range, from 0.000-0.400% BAC. Additionally, it ensures prolonged sensor longevity, ensuring long-term reliability. Moreover, this sensor is least likely to produce a false positive for individuals who are diabetic or on a low-calorie diet.

Fuel cell breathalysers work by oxidising alcohol in a breath sample through an electrochemical process. They comprise two platinum electrodes separated by a porous acid-electrolyte material. When exhaled air enters the fuel cell, alcohol oxidation occurs, generating acetic acid, protons, and electrons. These electrons flow through a wire, indicating the BAC level, with current strength corresponding to alcohol volume.

Types of Sensor Technology Used

  • Fuel cell sensor: this advanced sensor technology produces electrical currents when alcohol molecules interact with its platinum electrodes. It provides precise and reliable measurements, making it ideal for professional use.
  • Semiconductor sensor: this sensor uses a small metal oxide film that reacts to the presence of alcohol. It measures the changes in electrical resistance caused by alcohol molecules to estimate the BAC levels.
  • Infrared sensor: this sensor emits infrared light into the breath sample and analyses the light that is absorbed by alcohol molecules. By measuring the absorption of light, it calculates the alcohol concentration.

A person using the breathalyser app to see the result.

Bartender Breath Tester vs BACtrack Breathalyser – Device Operation

The Bartender breath tester and the BACtrack breathalyser work using similar principles. However, there are a few key differences in their operation. For the Bartender breathalyser, the person holds the power button until the LED turns green and then blows across the grill.

A green LED indicates a BAC under 0.05%. If it turns yellow, the user is nearing the legal limit and should consider an alternative to driving. A red LED suggests a high BAC, prompting the user to seek alternate transportation or a sober friend’s assistance.

To operate the BACtrack breathalyser, the user turns on the device and waits for the sensors to warm up. A timer guides them to provide a breath sample. Upon reaching zero, the user takes a deep breath and exhales steadily for a few seconds. The device then analyses the sample and displays the BAC on the LCD screen within 10 to 15 seconds. Furthermore, the person should blow properly to avoid a notification error.

Preparations Before Testing

Before using a portable breath alcohol tester, users should make necessary preparations to ensure accurate results. It is essential to wait at least 20 minutes after consuming any food or drink before testing. This allows the body enough time to absorb and eliminate any alcohol present in the mouth. Additionally, people should avoid smoking or using mouthwash before the test.

Furthermore, people should ensure that the breathalyser is fully charged or has fresh batteries to guarantee optimal performance. These preparations help to minimise the risk of false readings and provide a reliable indication of the individual’s BAC content.

Woman blowing to the breathalyser

Bartender Breath Tester vs BACtrack Breathalyser – Convenience and Battery Life

The Bartender breath tester offers three BAC measurement levels, enhancing user convenience. These levels include Safety (BAC under 0.02%), Caution (BAC between 0.02% and 0.05%), and Danger (BAC over 0.05%). Its compact size allows it to fit on a keyring. Additionally, it features an LED torch function and operates on 2 x AAA batteries.

On the other hand, the BACtrack Breathalyser ensures convenience with multiple features. Most of their devices include a Flow Error Indicator to ensure consistent blowing for accurate readings. Additionally, some models have Auto Power Off, which automatically shuts down the unit after 10 seconds to conserve battery life.

Additionally, BACtrack breathalysers like Mobile Pro Gen2 offer Bluetooth connectivity, allowing wireless connections to iPhone or Android devices. With one-touch operation, BACtrack is easy to use. Moreover, the BACtrack power source varies on devices, using 2 x AA or AAA batteries. Furthermore, BACtrack can run 75 to 3000 tests depending on the model. Overall, The Bartender and the BACtrack breathalyser have their own advantages when it comes to convenience.

Calibration Information

Calibration is a crucial process to maintain the accuracy and reliability of any device that measures alcohol content. It involves verifying and adjusting the readings of the breath tester to match the established standard. Through calibration, any discrepancies or deviations in the device’s performance can be identified and corrected. However, certain low-priced devices may not be eligible for calibration.

The frequency for calibration may vary from one manufacturer to another. Some manufacturers suggest every six months, while others may recommend annually. Following the guidelines provided by the manufacturer will help ensure that the breathalyser continues to provide accurate and reliable readings.


The Bartender breath tester and the BACtrack breathalyser both utilise fuel cell sensors for accurate BAC level measurement. The Bartender offers a portable and compact design, with three BAC measurement levels and an LED torch function. It operates on 2 x AAA batteries. On the other hand, the BACtrack breathalyser offers features like a Flow Error Indicator, Auto Power Off, and Bluetooth Connectivity. It has one-touch operation and runs on either 2 x AA or AAA batteries.

Preparations are essential before using a breathalyser to guarantee precise results. It is crucial for individuals to wait at least 20 minutes after eating or drinking before conducting the test. They should also refrain from smoking or using mouthwash beforehand. Moreover, users must ensure that the device is fully charged or equipped with fresh batteries for optimal performance. Additionally, calibration plays a vital role in maintaining accuracy and reliability. The recommended frequency for calibration varies based on the manufacturer’s guidelines.

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