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Driving Information


How Roadside Breath Tests are Conducted

Random Breath testing has been used by New Zealand Police to detect alcohol impaired drivers since 1969. Anyone in control of a vehicle or attempting to drive a vehicle can be asked to conduct a random Breath Test.

How Roadside Breath Tests are Conducted Read More »

Random Breath testing has been used by New Zealand Police to detect alcohol impaired drivers since 1969. Anyone in control of a vehicle or attempting to drive a vehicle can be asked to conduct a random Breath Test.


Drinking Limit for Driving

According to statistical evidence, deaths from accidents caused by driving over the legal drinking limit are down compared to twenty years ago. However, there are still too many deaths and serious injuries involving people who have been driving over the official limit. In 2008, the Ministry of Transport reported drivers with alcohol or drugs contributing

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According to statistical evidence, deaths from accidents caused by driving over the legal drinking limit are down compared to twenty years ago. However, there are still too many deaths and serious injuries involving people who have been driving over the official limit. In 2008, the Ministry of Transport reported drivers with alcohol or drugs contributing

drink driving fine

Drink Driving Fine in New Zealand

Alcohol is one of the significant factors involved in fatal crashes. If you are in any doubt about being safe or legal to drive after drinking, don’t – it’s not worth it. The Land Transport Act 1998 in New Zealand’s sets out drink-driving laws and fines.   Drink driving under-20s   If you are below

Drink Driving Fine in New Zealand Read More »

Alcohol is one of the significant factors involved in fatal crashes. If you are in any doubt about being safe or legal to drive after drinking, don’t – it’s not worth it. The Land Transport Act 1998 in New Zealand’s sets out drink-driving laws and fines.   Drink driving under-20s   If you are below

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