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August 2021


Why Should You Buy a Breathalyzer Today

A breathalyzer is a non-invasive device that measures a person’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) from their breath. Many people imagine a police officer taking out a large industrial-looking breathalyzer with controls that can only be there to intimidate a user when they think of a breath tester. Most people nowadays will buy breathalyzers for personal or workplace usage. […]

Why Should You Buy a Breathalyzer Today Read More »

A breathalyzer is a non-invasive device that measures a person’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) from their breath. Many people imagine a police officer taking out a large industrial-looking breathalyzer with controls that can only be there to intimidate a user when they think of a breath tester. Most people nowadays will buy breathalyzers for personal or workplace usage.


What it means Going to Court for Drink Driving

Drink driving is a severe offence in New Zealand. The consequences for drink driving depend on different factors. Your level of intoxication can be assessed using a alcohol breath tester, commonly known as breathalyzer. If you have a  past drink driving offence, that will be considered as well. If you have been drinking, it’s best not

What it means Going to Court for Drink Driving Read More »

Drink driving is a severe offence in New Zealand. The consequences for drink driving depend on different factors. Your level of intoxication can be assessed using a alcohol breath tester, commonly known as breathalyzer. If you have a  past drink driving offence, that will be considered as well. If you have been drinking, it’s best not


What is the Legal Alcohol Driving Limit?

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) refers to the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream. An alcohol breath tester, commonly called a breathalyzer, is the device used by police officers to check for BAC.  The BAC of 0.05% indicates that there is 0.05g of alcohol in every 100ml of blood. In New Zealand, this is the legal alcohol driving limit and

What is the Legal Alcohol Driving Limit? Read More »

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) refers to the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream. An alcohol breath tester, commonly called a breathalyzer, is the device used by police officers to check for BAC.  The BAC of 0.05% indicates that there is 0.05g of alcohol in every 100ml of blood. In New Zealand, this is the legal alcohol driving limit and

When do you need a Lawyer for Drink Driving

Every state considers Driving Under the Influence (DUI) to be a crime. As a result, DUI offenses are dealt with in a criminal court, wherein you have the right to represent yourself. However, the majority of defendants either employ private counsel or are represented by a court-appointed public defender. Suppose it is your first offense for

When do you need a Lawyer for Drink Driving Read More »

Every state considers Driving Under the Influence (DUI) to be a crime. As a result, DUI offenses are dealt with in a criminal court, wherein you have the right to represent yourself. However, the majority of defendants either employ private counsel or are represented by a court-appointed public defender. Suppose it is your first offense for

BACtrack S80 Pro

Review on the BACtrack S80 Pro

If you enjoy going out for a few drinks, you understand how vital it is to maintain sensible decisions. Breathalyzers can be excellent protection for safe driving. These machines do an alcohol breath test, analyzing the chemical makeup of your breath to calculate your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). With this BACtrack S80 Pro review, you will know

Review on the BACtrack S80 Pro Read More »

If you enjoy going out for a few drinks, you understand how vital it is to maintain sensible decisions. Breathalyzers can be excellent protection for safe driving. These machines do an alcohol breath test, analyzing the chemical makeup of your breath to calculate your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). With this BACtrack S80 Pro review, you will know


The Consequences Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is far more than just poor decision-making. It is also considered a criminal offense that frequently leads to unnecessary loss of lives. Any level of alcohol in your system will impair your ability to drive. The effects of alcohol consumption vary significantly, placing you in danger of causing an accident or sustaining an

The Consequences Drunk Driving Read More »

Drunk driving is far more than just poor decision-making. It is also considered a criminal offense that frequently leads to unnecessary loss of lives. Any level of alcohol in your system will impair your ability to drive. The effects of alcohol consumption vary significantly, placing you in danger of causing an accident or sustaining an

drink driving fine

Ways to Avoid Drink Driving

Car accidents are the leading cause of death among individuals and are expected to continue to rise. Drinking alcohol hinders a driver’s ability to make critical decisions while driving. A driver’s ability to perform actions necessary to operate a car safely. Such as effective braking, steering and lane changes are impaired even after just one

Ways to Avoid Drink Driving Read More »

Car accidents are the leading cause of death among individuals and are expected to continue to rise. Drinking alcohol hinders a driver’s ability to make critical decisions while driving. A driver’s ability to perform actions necessary to operate a car safely. Such as effective braking, steering and lane changes are impaired even after just one

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